Allowing God to Write my Story

I love a good story. As a child I would always have my head buried in a book and my absolute favorite stories were the ones that had happy endings. The protagonist of the story would experience some sort of crisis or crossroads in their life, learn the lesson and then all would turn out well. My own home life was quite unhappy and tense and books were a way to escape from the chaos going on around me. 

I would imagine myself walking in the shoes of the heroine of the story and for a brief time would leave me with a happy feeling.

As an adult, I often want to take the pen away from God and try to rewrite the story of my life. I think if I was writing it everything would be perfect. I would have the perfect house, perfect family and perfect life. I would do something that would be wildly successful or inspirational. Or it would be extremely adventurous. I don't like the frightening and stressful parts of my story. And I'm not a fan of the mediocre parts of it. But to be honest, that's not a reality-based story.

There were many choices that I made that have led me to where I find myself today. And when I really think about it, even though I do have some regrets, there is not a lot that I would change in my story. Because even though there were some really hard things that I wish I didn't have to walk through, those things have shaped me into who I am today.

A friend wrote to me today and said that she thought I was very self-aware of my weaknesses and strengths and she thought that was healthy. As I reflected on what she wrote, I realized that she is correct. I understand who I am and the events in my life that have shaped who I have become. I recognize when I'm struggling because of weaknesses I have and I am working to change those things. I also recognize the strengths I have which have occurred because I have allowed the Lord to work through the hard times.

My story isn't as exciting as I would like sometimes. It's not a story of huge successes and sometimes it seems a bit boring or disappointing. There are days when I think I am like the book no one ever wants to read. However, it's the story that God has placed me in. I know the end of my story will be wonderful because I have allowed the Lord to write it, and wherever the pages take me, they will lead me into His presence.

And that is the happiest ending ever!


  1. Hi Terri! Sounds like a wonderful story to me! Hope the pages of your week continue to be written by “The Author” (smile). Sandy (reading your story from a neighboring city)


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