
I took a personal retreat day yesterday and it was a good time of tuning out the distractions, staying off social media, not doing any work and just focusing on what the Lord had to say to me. 

So often I focus on my brokenness and my flaws. I have an extremely heightened sense of my own weaknesses. Many times, I feel lacking and feel as if I'm not doing enough or that God is somehow disappointed in me. 

I know where that comes from and it's not a place of health, but from a place of wounding. But it's so pervasive within me, that I tend to walk around with a sense of lacking.

As I was spending time in prayer, worship and God's word yesterday, I could feel Him speaking His truth into me. 

He loves me.

He says I am enough.

He thinks I am precious.

I bring Him joy.

He is pleased with me. 

I have been made whole and no longer have to operate out of that place of brokenness. 

He has won the victory over all these areas in my life and I need to stop dwelling on my perceived flaws. I was reminded that I don't need to change my personality to fit my environment. He made me with all my gifts, talents, and the personality I have and I should rejoice in that.

I am no longer broken, but I have been mended back together. The Lord has taken those broken pieces and put them back and sealed them so well that the cracks barely show. The more I can thank Him for that fact, the less I'll focus on the seams. 

I've had enough conversations throughout the years to know that many are walking around feeling defeated. They too focus on their flaws and forget that if they are allowing the Lord to work in their lives that He is smoothing out the cracks. 

One beautiful day those seams will one day be totally smoothed out and gone and we will be perfect and whole again. 


  1. This is me. Childhood trauma has scarred me, but I really need to heed what you have written. I am not the person I was told I was as a child.
    An accident
    There are no accidents with God.
    He loves me

    1. No accidents at all! God chose you before the foundation of the world!


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