Multitude Monday


I blinked and suddenly, the holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving is this week and we will be traveling on Thanksgiving Day so will be celebrating with our family on Wednesday. I have much to do before then and it feels like there is not enough time.

We were also hit with snow this weekend. We ended up with about 10" altogether over the course of a few days which is just enough to be beautiful, but not enough to keep us at home. 

My daughter did not fair so well. She's a few miles south of Buffalo and they got hit with 81” of snow over a 2 day period. The thruway was closed and life has come to a standstill for them as they try to dig out from under 6 plus feet of snow. 

Somewhere under this is her car.

We had a pie social after church yesterday along with our annual meeting. It was one of the more enjoyable meetings I've been to and I'm sure all the pies helped. ;-)

I got some pie crusts done the other day to be pulled out of the freezer for the holiday pies. I'm trying to work smart and ahead of time so I can get it done. 

I've been trying to get a batch of Christmas cookies done each day for freezing. These are my normal oatmeal-raisin cookie, but instead of raisins I added white chocolate chips, dried cranberries and orange zest.

It's officially soup season. I made up some ramen the other night. It's such a quick and easy thing to make and everyone enjoys it. 

I'm thankful for many things this morning and since it's been over a month since I did a Multitude Monday post, I thought this week was a perfect time to do it.

🦃 I'm thankful for some answers to prayer.

🦃 I am thankful that my daughter stayed safe and warm during the lake effect storm.

🦃 God's provision.

🦃 After almost 2 years, my taste has finally returned. Just in time for the holidays! 

🦃 The opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with all my children. Nathan and Stephen will have dinner with us on Wednesday along with Dan's parents. Then Dan and I are traveling on Thursday to spend it with Emily, her boyfriend and his parents.

🦃 I'm working on prayer stations for our church for the entire advent season. I'm thankful for this because it reminds me to slow down and reflect on the reason behind all the busyness.

🦃 Far away friends who continue to encourage me and make me laugh.

and finally...

🦃 No matter how bleak and depressing things can seem at times, God always provides a glimmer of hope and encouragement. 


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