Tiptoeing Quietly into the New Year



Happy New Year! 2022 flew by and here we are in a brand new year.

Yesterday, we enjoyed a fun afternoon with all of our children home to celebrate. I decided to make it easy with some party-type foods instead of a big sit down dinner. This way everyone could just pick and choose what they wanted and it would be low-key. 

A new year is when I normally set some goals for myself. As I looked back over 2022 and the goals I had set, I was happy to see that I achieved many of them. There were some that fell flat, but for me it's not about getting them all accomplished, but to have something to aim for. I find that if I aim at nothing I'll hit that every time. So I always want to at least aim at hitting a few targets.

To be honest, I've been so busy lately that I haven't even had time to think about it. I do know the few goals I had on last year's list that didn't get done will carry over to this year.

In the past I've also spent some time reflecting and praying about a word to focus on. I know many people do that as well each year, but I'm going to be honest here. I've been feeling that so many of those things I see circulating around the internet just seem to be kichy. What I mean by that is someone starts it and then everyone jumps on the bandwagon and then it just loses it's meaning. 

If there is anything I'm sensing at all is to just live out this verse better...

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 ~  Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

I want to be present in the lives of my family and friends. I want to develop meaningful connections. I want to work at whatever the Lord gives me to do quietly regardless of whether I get any affirmation. 

So I'm tiptoeing quietly into the new year and am praying that this is a year that all I find to do will bring honor to the Lord.


  1. Happy New Year, my friend! I love the verse you picked out. I think my "word" for the year should be "listen". I need to work hard to keep my mouth shut and be a better listener.

    1. "Listen" - me too! lol It's not always easy, is it? Happy New Year!

  2. Such a good scripture.
    I like the New Years spread-it looks delicious!I think people often enjoy party food more than a formal sit down dinner; especially this time of year when there are several within a month or two.

    1. Yes, it really worked out better so they could munch on the food all afternoon.


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