
Throughout the years I've had people tell me, "I wish I had your energy." or "How can you do so much?" And then there is the random person that always feels the need to tell me, "You are doing too much and need to slow down!" I find myself getting irritated with those comments because they don't know how God had made me. I actually find energy and joy in doing those things. 

We all have different levels of energy and different life circumstances and different convictions about things. I have found that it is really pointless to keep trying to compare myself to others when I'm not walking in their shoes nor are they living my life. 

And even though I write a blog, that's the problem with them. It's easy to look at what someone else accomplishes and think there must be something wrong with me because I'm not doing the same thing. 

When I'm reading a blog I try to remember that. I may glean a new idea or think about a different way of doing something, but the goal should never be to try and recreate that person's life and to do everything exactly the same.

Mug Rugs/Coasters I made this week from fabric scraps

God has blessed me with a fairly high capacity to juggle multiple things and to fit a lot into a short time. Some of the reason I'm able to do as much as I do is that I work very fast and can do many things. Not everyone is wired that way and shouldn't compare themselves to what I do. Nor should I compare my life to someone else's. 

I had a group of ladies over on Tuesday night.

My best work time in is the morning and that's when I am the most productive. I'm up and spend time in prayer and reading first thing and then get started on work around 8:00-8:30 a.m. 

I'm trying to declutter and these were headed for the thrift shop.

My days are busy and full and I'm going flat out from 8:30 on, but somewhere around 5:00 p.m. I find myself starting to slow way down. And after 6:30 p.m. I'm done! As I'm getting older I find myself doing a lot of dozing in my chair in the evenings. 😴

Made dinner for my in-laws one night and have no idea why I wrote the word, "recipe" on here! lol

Some days are more active than others. Then there are days like today where I've had a very slow day. I had a terrible night of sleep and have been dragging all day. After doing a children's program this morning I came home and took an hour nap. That never happens, but I knew I needed to listen to my body. 

I made apple scrap vinegar a few months ago. I thought this new water carafe I purchased was a great way to store it. 

The top comes off and you could use it as a glass.

Today's speed is "turtle" and I have almost no energy. So I'm not going to stress about it. I answered a couple of emails, but that has been the extent of my productivity. 

Tomorrow is another day and what I need to do can wait. I decided to write about comparisons today because they really can be joy-stealers. I don't want to compare my life to someone else's because I will always come up short. 

When we can learn to work within the parameters that God has set for our life and do our work for Him, we will find tremendous contentment.



  1. I love your scrap apple cider vinegar! The decanter is beautiful, but I do hope you've checked that it's not crystal and therefore leaded. Wouldn't want you to inadvertently get lead poisoning.

    I read here often but don't comment. I always find something meaninful upon which I meditate. Just wanted to let you know that your thoughts are heard and appreciated.

    1. Thank you, Sue! And thank you for that tip about the crystal. YIKES!!! I hadn't even thought of that.


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