Finding my Purpose

Dan and I have been in ministry together for a very long time - 34 years to be exact. During those years there have been some good times and some hard times. We've done urban ministry, rural ministry and we're now in a small city.

It's been an interesting experience the past 3 years. I'd say in many ways it's been hard, but it's also been a time of growth and being stretched. I was chatting with a friend a few weeks ago and she mentioned that in the past three years I've experienced all the things that doctors say are the big stressors - a move, a new job, death in the family, and children moving out. Add in a pandemic to this mix and my stress level went over the top. This all happened in the space of one year and it's taken me awhile to adjust.

But the past few months it feels like things are getting back to normal and we are settling in. Yesterday, I looked around the church and saw brand new visitors, young couples, older couples, little ones and seniors. We started having refreshments after the service a couple of months ago and it's been neat to see people staying long after the service ends to fellowship together. 

I set up a prayer room at the church and it was nice to see a few going in and utilizing that before the service. We have a new ministry starting up which will help women in our community learn some basic life skills. It's nice to see a team of women leading that and it's been wonderful to see the desire to have a ministry that reaches out to the community taking form.

Dan and I are planning a missions trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina for next year to help friends who are International Workers there and it's exciting to see others who are interested in joining in with this endeavor.

Administration is one of my spiritual gifts and it's nice to feel like I've found my purpose again. After floundering around for a couple of years, trying to figure out my place in a long established church, I have found a use for my particular gift set. I was hired as the church administrator back in December and I love being a resource to help other people flourish and accomplish their particular ministry in the church. I take joy in organizing and helping things run smoothly. I'm excited when I can encourage others to use their gifts in ministry.

So on this Monday when I share some of the things I'm thankful for, I am so thankful for the purpose I have and the joy I find in it. 

Psalm 20:4 ~ 
May he give you what your heart desires
and fulfill your whole purpose. 

Psalm 57:2 ~ 
I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.

Psalm 138:8 ~ 
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Lord, your faithful love endures forever; do not abandon the work of your hands.


  1. It sounds as though you have a church that cares about people.

  2. This is something I’m struggling with.I’ve been feeling “put out to pasture” in my church even though I feel I have plenty of wear left on the old treads. Praying that Satan doesn’t use this feeling to cripple the church.

    1. It's such a difficult thing as we get older. I'm much more sensitive in how to utilize our seniors now that I'm getting older. We need to allow space for younger ones to use their gifts in ministry and yet, not make our seniors feel like you do. It's a hard balance. I'm trying to take more of a back seat and do more mentoring/discipling and let the younger ones take the lead and that's where I think I'll be most useful as a seasoned woman. But it is difficult at times! I think that's where humility comes into play - the younger ones have to be humble enough to know that we older ones have some wisdom to offer. But the older ones need to be humble enough to not have to always be in charge and our preferences may not always happen.

  3. So good to read this. God bless you and Dan as you serve Him 🙏❤️


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