Laid Bare

The weather has been strange for winter over the past month and most days have been fairly warm so I've been able to get out and walk. That has been good for my spirits as I really struggle with feeling down and depressed in the sun-depleted winter months. 

As I was walking the other day, this tree caught my attention. The bark was stripping off and the underside of the trunk and branches were laid bare to the elements. It looked kind of sad and yet, it was still strong and growing. 

I came home and researched this a bit because I thought it was a sign that the tree was dying. But then I discovered that birch trees can get lichen and moss growing on them which blocks the light. Sometimes, birch trees start shedding their bark to get rid of the lichen light-blocking layer to expose the healthy inner layer and take advantage of sunlight in the winter.  

I kind of feel like that tree lately. God is stripping away a lot of the rotting junk and my soul is being laid bare. It's a painful process, but needed to expose what God is doing in my heart. He has been leading me on a journey of drawing closer to him and drowning out the distracting "chatter" going on around me. It's been a good journey, but there are many days when I do feel like I'm alone in this. 

Growth is a painful thing at times. It means saying no to some things. It means God is going to stretch me in ways that are uncomfortable at times. But as I shed off that unhealthy bark, I am making room for new bark to grow. 

The painful shedding is worth it!



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