Seeking the Light

It's been a long month. Snow, clouds, cold and dreariness. Yes, I know we live in the Northeast and it's only the first day of Spring, but there comes this point every year when I'm thoroughly sick of it. I long for bright sunshine, warmth and light.

I long for that in my spirit as well. Dark days lead to dark thoughts and discouragement that permeates every part of my being. For me there is a balance between needing time to myself and having too much time alone. I've never really felt so isolated as I have the past few years. I know God has something for me to learn in this season, but it's a hard one.

Isolation starts to feel like rejection and then I start listening to the internal lies that say I'm not wanted, I'm not good enough and I'm not worth much. All RIDICULOUS lies that I logically know are not true; but they still flit in and out of my mind in the darkness of the night and the quiet of the day. 

So I am thankful that each morning I spend time meditating on God's word and take time to sit with Him and listen to what He says about me. I draw strength and encouragement from His affirmation and His promises. As I do that, I begin to feel the darkness draw back and the light of His love shine on me, I feel hope rise up in my spirit and once again, am ready to tackle the day.

Physical sunshine does wonders for my spirits, but the SON infuses me with strength and peace. His light shining on me lifts me up like no other and I'm thankful for that truth on this Monday.


  1. This speaks to me in the most amazing way. My saying “SHINE4JESUS” feels so mundane lately. I want to be so much more for Jesus but lmy confidence level has been low. Thank you for sharing your thoughts to keep seeking HIS Light!!! Just know, I think you are awesome!

    1. I'm glad you found it helpful, Janice! Have a wonderful day!


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