A Spirit of Gratitude

"An abundant life does not create a thankful heart. It's the spirit of gratitude that creates an abundant life." 

~ Ruth Zimmerman

"If I only had a nicer home." "If I get a better job." "If all my bills are paid off." "If I only had different circumstances." "If only....."

There are so many "if onlys" that flit through our heads at times that it causes us to be dissatisfied with the life we have. We fall into the trap of believing that if only things would change for the better in our life and all of our needs were met, then we would have plenty to be thankful about.

What we are missing is that the only true abundance stems from having a heart of gratitude even in scarcity and even in trouble. If we never learn to look at our lives and find the blessing right in front of us, then even if we had everything we could ever want, we wouldn't see them. 

And that's because discontent just breeds more discontent. Enough will never be enough if we can't learn to thank God for the small ways His hand is upon our lives in the here and now. We miss the tiny miracles that are right in front of our eyes.

As we learn to give thanks in all circumstances, we begin to focus on the abundance we actually have right in front of us. And what seemed so small actually is overflowing.

Start by waking up each day and being mindful of what you have. Give thanks for the small things. Those small blessings will add up quickly and before you know it gratitude will begin to well up within you.

And the very fact that you woke up this morning and drew breath into your lungs is a miracle. That's a great place to start!


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