A Place of Quiet Rest

I am a multi-tasker and pride myself in being able to do multiple things at the same time. However, there is a detriment to this. I find myself increasingly unable to sit and just focus on the task at hand because my brain is going in a thousand directions.

This week has been one of slowing down and taking one thing at a time. If I'm watching a show on television instead of also checking my phone, I'm trying to learn to just focus on the show. If I'm walking in the woods, I try and focus on the moment and appreciating all of the sights and sounds. Instead of multi-tasking, I'm attempting to mono-task.

It's not easy, but I think it's so important to increase my capacity to just do one thing at a time. My attention span needs to increase not just with other people, but more importantly, with the Lord. 

This morning I found a place of quiet rest which was my back patio. No one is out yet because it's early. The temperatures dropped and it's actually chilly out this morning and my only companions are the birds. I took some time to do nothing but read and pray without distraction. It was wonderful!

Where ever you can, find that place of quiet rest to hear from the Lord. It's difficult to hear from Him when we are so busy multi-tasking or never take the time to actually cease the activity. God doesn't always rush to speak to us and if we are racing from one activity to the next we will never hear His voice. 

As I read and prayed this morning I felt His affirming call on my life. I was able to refocus on the ministry tasks at hand and also get a clearer sense of the direction He wants me to go. That would not have happened if I was multi-tasking. 

I'm thankful for my place of quiet rest this morning.


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