Shifting Focus

I have a confession. There are days when I spend more time than I like to admit complaining and wondering why things are not going the way I think they should. I can look at what's going wrong and magnify it so that it seems like nothing is going right. And I don't like that part of myself.

We are on vacation this week and even though only one day has passed I have spent some time praying and asking the Lord to change that pattern of behavior in myself. Because when I look at my life through God's lens I can see so many wonderful things.

I want to give thanks for those things today.

💗 Hiking with my young men.

💗 We live in a beautiful area with lots to explore.

Ministry can be tiring and at times, frustrating, but I'm so thankful for the ministry the Lord has called me to do. 

💗 My local church ministry.

💗 A wonderful ministry within our district of 76 churches. 

💗 And now being a part of our denomination's worldwide ministry by being asked to serve on the leadership team of their worldwide women's ministry team.

💗 My daughter's young man who treats her well and loves her. 

💗 A husband who loves me, encourages me and supports my endeavors. And he does the same for his children. 

💗 I'm so thankful for this young man. He has been knocked down repeatedly by circumstances beyond his control and yet, continues to keep moving forward. The latest hiccup is leaving his job after being misunderstood and mistreated by his supervisor. 

It's been over a month and he still doesn't have work, but other than a few times, he has remained upbeat and positive. It's given us a lot of good opportunity to encourage him on how to handle conflict or situations like this in the future. And to be honest, I was very thankful that the agency that provides him services (which was also the employer) apologized for what happened and say that it was their fault and they failed him. It doesn't help him get a new job or pay his bills, but he felt like he was heard.

💗 I'm thankful for lots of healthy food choices. 

These are just a few of the things I'm thankful for today. There are so many more and when I learn to look at those blessings my entire attitude changes. The more I focus on the blessing the less the negative seems to be. It's a matter of shifting my focus. 


  1. A lovely post today. I will be praying for Nathan.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. What a shame for Nathaan, he was just beginning to be settled, i think. I hope a new job comes up soon. The agency should do all they can.


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