Tidying my Temple

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ~ 

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I'm finishing up the third week of this new way of eating and it's been going well. I got on the scale this morning and it frustratingly has not budged. But I'm not going to let that discourage me as I lost 8 lbs. the first two weeks and there is bound to be a leveling off. Ideally you should lose 1-2 lbs. per week in order to see permanent results. 

I also had to navigate a few social situations which are always a trigger for eating the wrong things. We have refreshments after church each week. I'm thankful for the couple who signed up last week and brought a veggie and fruit tray. 

Once a month on Wednesdays we have a cooking class at the church for those women who want to learn some life skills. This week they made pizza and that's a challenge for me. So I brought my own food to heat up so I would have something to eat. 

Last night I had women from our church over and instead of the normal cookies and sweets and other goodies, I made a huge veggie and fruit platter with homemade oil-free hummus for the veggies. I did have cheese and crackers for those who wanted something more substantial. I discovered cheese and crackers were a major temptation but I abstained. Whew!! Once I start on those there would be no stopping.

Overall, I have done very well. I have not had sugar in 3 weeks nor do I want it. I haven't had any processed or snack foods. I discovered the joys of having an afternoon smoothie with unsweetened almond milk, a banana and some sort of unsweetened frozen fruit. The tropical blend is still my favorite. 

I also discovered the joy of nutritional yeast which I've never had in my life. Some of the dishes I make I sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Nutritional yeast has a cheesy flavor and makes a perfect substitute without the fat of cheese. I made an Italian-style lentil and veggie soup and sprinkled some of the nutritional yeast on top.

I also had fun making some of our favorites, but made a healthy version of them.

We had spring rolls one day with a Thai peanut dipping sauce. 

We did Middle Eastern another night with falafel, Tabbouleh salad and oil-free hummus. I had mine in a lettuce wrap.

I did some stir-fries and discovered miso paste which I really like. It gives the stir fry a good flavor without all the salt in soy sauce.

There were some experiments that I just didn't like. One was red lentil wraps. I didn't like the texture and they had no flavor.

I've been making lots of salads and eating a lot of fresh foods so I'm enjoying that. 

This morning I did have 2 eggs fried in 1/2 tsp. of olive oil. I had that over 1 slice of Ezekiel bread with some fresh fruit on the side. 

 Some take away thoughts from this past week are:

  • If you aren't going to have meat or dairy than make sure you are taking a really good B-complex vitamin. Because B12 only comes from animal products you need to take a supplement. Deficiencies in B12 can cause serious deficiencies and long-term permanent dangerous problems.
  • I need to up my intake of protein. I'm finding that beans and legumes alone are not doing it. I like meat and I'm not a vegan so I'm going to add in some healthier protein such as fish and chicken at least 2-3 times a week. I don't like the shaky sick feeling I get when I haven't had enough protein. When I feel like that I'm very tempted to start cramming things in that aren't good for me.
  • This hasn't been difficult and other than a few moments of temptation this week I've done well. 
  • I do use very sparingly and I use Redman Real Salt which has minerals in it. But my salt consumption is miniscule compared to what it was. 
  • When possible I try to just saute with a bit of water or I use a tiny (1/2 tsp.) of olive oil to saute. I used to pour a hefty dollop into the pan which probably equaled about 2 tablespoons full.
I've been getting out and walking though I do need to do that more. I get busy working and then get lazy about taking the time to build exercise in so that needs to happen more. But overall, I'm pleased with the results. Even though I didn't lose any more weight this week my clothes are fitting better and things are toning up. 

I'm seeing a difference and that's what matters!


  1. If you have stalled then you aren't getting enough protein or healthy fats. So upping your protein is the right thing to do. Hang in there!

    1. That's what I was thinking. Some days I feel great, but on the days I'm not I know it's probably that I'm not getting enough of what I need. Working on planning ahead so I don't find myself in those situations.


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