In the Pause

The tree is up and looking beautiful

I blame this sign on the lake effect snow warning we have for this morning through Wednesday.

Thanksgiving was wonderful.

I made pumpkin soup at my son's request. Delicious!

Dan and the boys had Stromboli the other night for dinner.

By the end of Thanksgiving weekend everyone is a bit tired of leftovers so I made a vegetarian chili last night.

Thanksgiving is over and we are hurtling towards December 1st and Christmas. The tradition in our family is putting up the tree and Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. It's very different now that the kids are grown and not always here. 

I probably would have waited, but Stephen was here and asking about it, so up it went. He did help me get the ornaments on it so it went fast. I'll put the rest of the decorations out a bit at a time.

It's been a busy week because not only did we celebrate Thanksgiving and get our decorations out, but on Saturday we were at the church putting up the Christmas decorations there as well. I do love everything about this time of the year, but it certainly can be tiring if you don't pace yourself.

I'm thankful for so many things this morning and as I was reflecting on them all, I think the main thing I'm thankful for is knowing the reason I'm celebrating. It's not just empty and meaningless holiday activity. There are times of sitting and reflecting and times of teaching and encouraging others to sit and reflect.

I was asked to write a month of Advent devotionals for a women's program that is affiliated with our denomination. It's been wonderful to sit each day and reflect on a passage of scripture and attempt to explain it in a way that encourages others. I've pulled together some Advent videos for church as we light the Advent candles and those have been meaningful. I've got some ideas to help the children at church walk through Advent as well. 

And as I write and speak and teach on all of this, it solidifies it in my heart as well. I find timeless truths and see them in a fresh and new way which encourages my spirit.

I pray that as you approach this season you take time each day to stop and spend time in God's presence. It's easy to get caught up in busyness and "doing". Take a moment to pause and reflect.

It's in the pause that you will hear from God the most. When we sit and still the activity, we will be able to listen to what He has to say. 


  1. Since retirement from ministry the pace has slowed... A little... But I appreciate this time of Advent. Preparing my heart and soul as well as my home.


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