
The past few weeks I've been thinking about the new year and a direction I want to head. I know that just turning the page on the calendar and to a new year won't make anything different unless I am intentional. So as I've been praying and thinking about my life and ministry, the word "connected" keeps coming up.

In John 15, Jesus uses an analogy that his disciples would have understood very clearly - that of a grape vine. Throughout this passage he uses the word, "remain." 

He tells his disciples the following 5 things:

  • Branches that don't remain connected to the vine do not bear fruit and are thrown away. 
  • Those branches that do bear fruit will be pruned to make them even more fruitful. 
  • Jesus reminds them that His word must remain in them in order to be fruitful.
  • He lets them know that they must remain in God's love as they go out and love others. They can't love in their own strength.
  • If they remained connected to the vine then they would produce a lasting fruit that would stand the test of time. 

As I reflect on my own life I am reminded that in my ministry I need to stay connected to the vine and stay connected to the Word. I also was reminded that the hard times I face may be God's pruning in my life so that I can produce even more fruit. And I want to make sure that as I remain in God's love, I am in turn, connecting and showing that love to others. And I am encouraged that the fruit I bear will last as long as I'm staying rooted in the source of that fruit.

Dan and I had a conversation the other day in which I said I don't feel like I have much evidence that my ministry has been fruitful. He was encouraging me that while I don't know who I've influenced, as long as I'm connected to the vine, I can be assured that I am producing fruit even if I don't always see it. And He was also encouraging me to focus on the remaining in the vine part and let the Lord worry about the producing of fruit.

So my 2024 word is "connected" and as I set my objectives I want to make sure that I'm including that concept into my goal-setting for the year. 

While a new year isn't going to magically change things in my life, it is a good time to re-evaluate what I've done and where I've been and look forward to where I want to go. The goals I set for myself will only happen if I am intentional about implementing small daily activities to work towards them. 


  1. Terri, I wonder if you realise that just by writing the blog, you are making a connection? You may never know how many people read your words, but you can be sure that at some point those words will help. change, support or even guide.

    1. Thank you, Barbara! I appreciate the kind words. Happy New Year!

  2. Oh, Terri, your blog has been an inspiration to anyone who reads it. You are a kind and decent person who wants to help others. More than you realize you have been a good and faithful servant for the Lord. Thank you.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. I connect with your blog with every post you write. I have anxiety, and there are some things in life that are very difficult for me. I am also pretty much the whole support of my family, so there is stress. I just made a cup of tea to sit down, relax with your latest blog post. You touch and matter to more people than you imagine.

    1. Thank you for that encouragement! Have a Happy New Year!


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