
One of the items on my vision board that I made was a painting I did a few years back. It says, "Bloom where you are planted." That's a saying we've heard multiple times but don't always implement. 

If you are anything like me, when you find yourself in a new situation, you lament and whine and wish things could be as they were. You regret that the change happened and spend most of the time looking backward.

Time is wasted on "should haves," "would haves," and "could haves." It's an exercise in futility and gets you nowhere. 

The reason I put this on my board is to remind myself that whenever I follow where God leads, even to those hard places where it seems like I have no fruit, He is always glorified.

So this year I want to bloom right where I am - even when the land is parched. I want to blossom with the gifts He has given me even if water is scarce. I want to thrive even in the middle of a desert.

How about you? Are you trusting God to help you bloom where He has planted you? It may not be a place, but perhaps He has allowed circumstances in your life you don't like. Maybe it's a situation where there seems to be no answers. Or it could be that you are struggling with the choices others make. 

Whatever the circumstance and wherever you find yourself, allow Him to work in you so you can thrive and blossom right where you are planted.


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