Encouraging Deep Roots

 When I started my website a few years ago I was trying to come up with a name that would encompass what I wanted to do. However, every name that I researched was already taken. At the time, my blog was called Hearts in Service but that domain was already taken. So after thinking about it I settled on "Words of Encouragement for a Discouraged World" which was part of one of my book titles.

However, the problem with that particular name is that it was a mouthful to say and hard for people to remember when trying to search for it. It also sounded a bit grandiose to me! 

The past few weeks I've been thinking, praying and evaluating things and have given my site a "tweak." When I reflected on what my desire in ministry really is, my heart is to see people put down roots in the truth of God's word and grow spiritually. And that's my desire for myself as well. 

I'm thankful for this past month because as I've worked on staying focused and honing in on what my purpose is, God has been giving me some clarity. And He's given me some really cool opportunities and open doors that I never would have expected.

I've purchased a new domain and applied it to my current website. The new name is Encouraging Deep Roots and the domain is https://encouragingdeeproots.com. That's so much easier to remember and type. I even put together my own logo which is above. I told my husband that it actually is helping me to have a more narrowed focus in my writing. 

The website needs a bit of work, but for now I'm happy with the name and focus. And the opportunities I mentioned include a friend asking if he could translate one of my books into another language for distribution in a different country. WHAT????!!!!! That was totally not expected. 

Another was being asked back to be a weekend retreat speaker in October. This past year I taught 6 sessions on the Epistle of James at a retreat center and I'm looking forward to doing this again with a different book. I may also have a possibility of teaching an online class as well. 

I'm thankful for the doors that God is opening for me, especially because they aren't ones that I even expected. That's always an amazing sign to me that He is in it.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this all works out as I continue to step out in faith and follow where the Lord leads.


  1. Yes, that IS an easier name to remember [and avoids the negative word 'discouraged'] Blessings in your ongoing journey! [Terri , you seem SO busy all of a sudden, I know the change of diet etc has boosted your energy levels- but do take time to pause!!]

    1. Thanks Angela. It's a different kind of busy in that I'm not running around "doing" outside activity. It's been more of a sitting, spending time in the Word and writing. I would say most days that is what I'm doing besides the 2-3 zoom meetings I have each week. So I'm busy, but not feeling over the top with it because I'm staying connected to the word which is what my desire was this year. I think it's because I'm not spreading myself out with multiple, different type of activities but more focused things.

  2. It's a much more attractive name, Terri. You do work so hard and your posts are always so encouraging.


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