Positively Contagious


This past Saturday I went off to a conference with Dan. We got up at 4 a.m., traveled the 2 1/2 hours to get there, spent the day learning, but also talking, hugging and visiting with other friends from around the district. Then we arrived back home around 7:30 p.m.

The next day I got up and skipped off to church where I hung out in the nursery, caring for the little ones while their parents worshipped upstairs. It was a great morning!

We came home and that afternoon, we sat down to watch a football game (American football for my overseas readers). In the middle of the game, I suddenly started coughing.

And by the next day, I was coughing, wheezing, had a fever and sore throat and had chills. I took a Covid test and tested positive. Ugh.

I was more upset that I had spent the weekend around so many people. I never would have gone if I knew I was going to be sick, but unfortunately, the nature of the virus is you don't even know you have it until the symptoms start. I felt fine the entire weekend until the cough started.

This week l've fluctuated between feeling like I'm going to die (okay, I exaggerate! 😉) to feeling pretty good (once the ibuprofen kicked in). It's gone from coughing and a fever to intestinal issues to an entire day of massive head congestion. 

This morning my ears are clogged up and the cough seems to be a bit more productive. The biggest discouragement is at some point yesterday morning I lost my taste and smell. It took 2 1/2 years to come back the last time I had Covid and I'm praying it doesn't do that again.

But I have some things I'm thankful for. The positives?

💓 I've lost another lb. for a total of 59 lbs.!

💓 My husband and son seem to have dodged it.

💓 Dan is a gem. He's bought me cough drops, tissues, some groceries. He has done dishes and laundry. He's also avoided me as much as possible. He stands at the top of the stares to our family room where I've been hanging out and calls down to me. 🤣

💓Despite being sick, I have had moments when I felt well enough to get some computer work done. I spent the afternoon yesterday entering our checkbook register into a spreadsheet to track our spending. And kicking myself that once again I didn't stay on top of it and trying to get 5 months worth entered in. 😖

💓 So far no one at church has gotten ill (as far as I know). Unfortunately, a friend I sat with at the conference has it and we don't know if I got it from him or he got it from me. His wife who is vulnerable seems to be okay. Another friend who was there came down with it as well but again, who knows who was ground zero with the infection. I could have picked up the bug from the grocery store.

💓 I'm thankful I started feeling sick when I did because we planned on going to visit Dan's parents on Monday and because I wasn't feeling well, we canceled. It would not be good if they were exposed.

💓 The sun was out yesterday for the first time in almost a month. It was so beautiful as I longingly stared out the window. 🤣

💓 I've spent lots of time reflecting, praying, resting, reading, and generally just not being my normal self which is always on the move. Sometimes I think forced rest is a good thing.

💓 I've been able to chat with my children on the phone though with a squeaky voice, I still was able to send out some encouragement cards. I was able to get our district prayer list out for our International Workers. Of course, I'm hoping all those things were coherent in my hazy state. 😂

And I'm thankful that I can find things for which to be thankful. Thankfulness is positively contagious and I'd rather pass that on then my germs. 

Have a blessed day and pass on some thanksgiving today!


  1. Such a horrible thing. I am sorry you have had to suffer this. I had a similar bout all over Christmas! You will feel very tired afterwards, so do rest as much as you can.

    1. Thanks Barbara. I took a shower and now feel like I'm ready for a nap so I know what you mean! I'm taking it very slow this week.

  2. Steven and I tested
    negative for Covid. but whatever this virus we have is, the doctor said will run its course. And meanwhile we are still contagious. Steven started getting sick a week before me, so he is on the backside of it now. Dr said this is a 2-3 week virus .
    Masks around our grandgirl. She started preschool this week. Which helps me since I am so exhausted. I will pray for you! And UGH about your taste and smell again.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you are both struggling. Will be praying for you both, Sharon!

  3. Do check out https://abscent.org/. I found this site very helpful when covid left me with parosmia

    1. Thank you, Angela. I will take a look at it.


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