
February comes to a close this week and Palm Sunday and Easter are early this year so I have to switch gears and wrap my head around the fact that it's coming soon. The spring months are busy for me as I put together and prepare for a district-wide women's retreat at the end of April. 

This year an extra level of busyness was added because our church's missions conference is at the beginning of April and we are hosting the International Worker in our home. Our district prayer conference for official workers in our district is the beginning of May, in early June I have a leadership conference and at the end of June into early July I have an event to prepare for our district family camp. 

Add a bridal shower in July and wedding preparations for an August wedding to that mix and it makes for a busy 6 months. 

How in the world can I get all this done? By staying organized and following the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time."

I'm also doing the following activities which are helpful:

1. I've started making lists which really is not my go-to move. In the past I tend to just pull from my memory but am discovering that doesn't work so well any more. And it especially doesn't work when I have multiple events and activities going on.

2. Despite what it sounds like, I've cut back on some things that I was involved in. I just cannot do it all and as I get older I'm recognizing that more and more. It's okay to say "no" and if no one else steps up to do it then it just doesn't get done.

3. I am making sure that I spend time in God's word and prayer each day. Being connected to the source of my strength is key.

4. I am aiming to exercise each day. I love to walk and while I really do need to add some strength training exercises into my routine, I've been doing movement each day. The beautiful weather we are having has certainly helped in that area. 

5. My personality is such that when I feel overwhelmed, I have a tendency to procrastinate. I'll find something else to do and try to ignore my list. I think the biggest improvement I'm seeing in my life is that I am working hard at sticking with a task until it is finished. I always completed things, but more often than not, it was at the last minute. That has really changed a lot the past few months.

So in the ebb and flow that is my life and as I enter a busier time, I'm finding that I am getting quite a bit accomplished, staying calm about it and still having time to enjoy the things I love to do. 

I was thankful that I didn't procrastinate today and went for a walk this morning because the weather changed and we have rain now. So putting off for later would have made me miss my walk. 

I'm moving forward with my list - one activity at a time and one step at a time. I'll have eaten that elephant eventually!


  1. 'One bite at a time', very sensible, Terri. We have to listen to our bodies as we get older, and sadly find that we cant do all the things we used to do. I'm trying to walk a lot more now and it is good for me, physically and mentally.

    1. I'm glad you are able to get out and walk. I know when I do I feel so much better!


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