Soaking up the SON

Winter in the northern hemisphere is a challenge and in particular, the months of January and February. This year has been especially difficult as the sun peeked out only one or two days the entire month of January. Gray days stretched on and on and it seemed as if the sun would never shine again.

This past weekend was glorious. The sun came out and shone bright from sun-up to sun-down. Yesterday afternoon, despite still testing positive, I made my way to my favorite walking location so I could soak up the rays. Because it's fairly isolated I was able to safely get out without exposing anyone to my germs.

On those days when the sun is shining I want to soak up as much of it as I can which will help me through those dark dreary days. I find this true in my spiritual life as well. When I daily come before the Lord and spend time with Him, soaking up His presence then it helps me through those times in my life when all is gray and stormy. As I read and pray I feel His peace flow through me and that empowers me to walk in the days of darkness. Daily spending time and walking in relationship with the Lord is laying the root system that will anchor me in the storms.

The problem comes when we don't spend any meaningful time with Him. When we allow busyness, activity, social media or work to take the place that God should hold we won't be able to say down deep roots. How can we weather the storms that will come when our roots are too shallow and have no substance? The first strong breeze that blows will cause us to topple over and fall apart. 

The only thing that will see us through those dark, dreary days of trial is having a root system that goes down deep into the truth of God's word. Family, friends, success, position, money, and affirmation from others will ultimately not satisfy us. It's only the relationship we have God that will hold us upright. 

I know the clouds will return soon so I'm thankful I was able to spend time soaking up that vitamin D yesterday. I'm also thankful that I spent time soaking up the SON this morning because the clouds of trial are always overhead lately. But because I'm letting my roots go down deep into the truth of God's word and I'm spending time with Him each day, I know I can weather whatever storm is coming my way. I may bend under the wind, but I won't break because my roots are deep.

Soak up some SONshine today. 


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