Unimpressed by Simplicity

We live in a society that is enamored by the flashy and latest trends. The bigger the flash, the more we want to be part of it. We watched the Super Bowl last night and I reflected on how showy it has gotten compared to 20 years ago. And to be honest, we as a society are quite unimpressed by simplicity. 

And yet, that is where true and lasting beauty is. It's in the quiet and unnoticed where God seems to work the most. 

All my life I was told, "You can do whatever you set your mind to do." The message that was communicated to me growing up was to make something of myself. And as much as I don't think that affected me, if I'm honest, I can see how much it really did. I have an internal drive that is constantly striving for more.

Dan and I have had some really good discussions about this recently. My husband is good for me in that he challenges some of my core misconceptions of what I think God may want for my life.  

One of the things he brought up is perhaps God's will for my life is as simple as supporting my son who has a disability, making meals and caring for my in-laws who are aging rapidly and need assistance, and working quietly behind the scenes and supporting others' ministries who may be in the forefront. 

That's a hard thing to swallow when my underlying internal message has always been that I have to make something of my life. If I don't make something of it or it goes unnoticed, then does it really count for anything in God's kingdom?

Perhaps in God's kingdom the things that really do count the most are the activities and ministries that absolutely no one notices. The things that are done in quiet and behind-the-scenes. And perhaps, He will be the only one who approves.

And that is really what being a follower of Him is about anyway. Jesus taught that the first shall be last and the one who is a servant is the true follower.

In our "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and "make something of yourself" society that mindset is very unattractive. And yet, as I continually follow where God leads me that internal mantra that I've had is one I need to reject.

I see so clearly that God has led me to this place we are currently in to teach me that lesson. It's not easy because it really is humbling. The thought that my only ministry may be to my own family feels as if I'm letting down all those strong women in my life growing up who told me to be all I can be. 

However, the ministry that no one sees is the one where I feel God working in me the most. It's the ministry that often feels unnoticed and unappreciated, but its also the one that has Kingdom value.

So while our society and even Christian society continues to be enamored with the latest trends and biggest ministry, I'm going to continue to work on living and ministering simply. Small ministry, unnoticed work, but in the long run it is making the biggest impact on my spiritual life. And that may be all that the Lord wants from me anyway; my own stretching and growth.


  1. Terri, there is tremendous strength needed to minister to one's own family, especially as people get older and sometimes more frail.

  2. Teri, are all those photos yours? I just love the ones of the mossy trees.

    I must agree with you that today's society loves the glitz and glamour. Influencers on social media encouraging a materialistic society. I care little for that; never really have. The simple beauty of God's creation is where my greatest pleasures lie.

    Being in service to those around us is the noblest type of service. Those who do for others, whether it be their jobs or their vocations. The God who knows when the sparrow falls knows when the smallest acts of service are both offered and received.

    Your blog is a shining example of your service. Maybe there are posts without comment, but God knows when your words are received.

    1. Hi Sue! Yes, those are photos I took at the local Audubon Center where I often walk. It's such a beautiful place. Thank you for your encouragement!

  3. Yes, it's so true that Jesus' way of leading is so different. Good thoughts. May we both learn to still that inner drive so we can hear what the Lord wants from us.


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