Just Keep Swimming

It's been a busy week and I've had a lot to get done. It's easy to start to feel overwhelmed, but I find that my new mantra is "just keep swimming" or "put one foot in front of the other or "do the next thing." Any of those work. 😉

In the past, when I would have a long list, I used to procrastinate which then just added to the overwhelmed feeling. However, over time I've learned to just keep doing the next task on my list until it is done and then I can cross it off and relieve that overwhelmed feeling. 

This year I've been sitting down each Sunday evening and looking at the week ahead and writing down each thing I want to get done, including adding any meetings or appointments to my list and days I plan on walking or exercising. Those things that don't happen get moved to the next week's list.

And then I kick up my heels and get moving on them. I find making the list has really helped me to accomplish more.

The past few weeks have been really different as I've been doing a lot of recipe testing and tweaking as I work on a cookbook for plant-based eating. I've also been working on a new website which will be all things frugal and nutritious. When I start to want to procrastinate, I remind myself to keep going because it'll help pay the bills! 🤣

After spending hours editing the past few days I was able to submit the book yesterday and order a proof copy. I find it easier to edit the final copy with the actual book in hand. Originally, I had planned on doing an e-book (easier and cheaper) but after polling a bunch of people I found most preferred an actual paperback book. 

I may see about doing both as color printing is expensive. Now I know why cookbooks are costly.

I'm looking forward to holding this beauty in my hands. Each new book brings me joy!

I've written 5 other books, but I find that writing a cookbook to be very difficult. It'll be a little bit longer before it's available, but that is because I really want to make sure it's correct and the instructions clear to the reader.

I was up before the birds this morning (4 a.m.) which was not by choice. However, once my brain gets going it's difficult to shut it off. Since I have an 8 a.m. meeting I guess it was good that I'm up and at 'em so early. 

I'll just keep swimming, one stroke at a time, but also am taking some time to enjoy the scenery around me each day. 


  1. I'm so glad you have decided to make a 'proper' book! Looking forward to seeing it.

  2. Hi Terri! Thank you for your response to my request for a possible women’s conference. I’m sorry we couldn’t have you for the conference…it went well with the speaker the pastors wife arranged but, I’m hopeful for the near future that we could have you speak and also have your healthy living presentation. I would love to meet you myself…whenever possible to get some encouragement in my new effort for health in a plant based living journey…I’m just thinking since we don’t live real far MAYBE? we could possibly get a little meeting in? I’m more than willing to pay for your gas😁 As a Believer in JESUS I want to bless not detract from you. Just a thought but I see how BUSY you are right now…Thank you for your blog and your life testimony! I truly appreciate you every time I read your blog 🙏🏾💝

    1. Hi Sandi! I was thinking the same thing. It would be wonderful to meet for coffee. Maybe we could meet halfway? Let me get through Easter and then we can figure out a time to do that. You really are so close to where I live. Love how this blog has introduced me to new friends! I'm glad the conference went well. :-)

    2. Terri…That would be wonderful! We can wait and see how it can work to meet when and where… I am looking forward to this! Thank you for responding positively 😊


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