Playing Peek-a-boo

Spring is definitely in the air and has come a bit early this year. I've been getting outside and enjoying it as much as I can because it definitely lifts my spirits.

The past few days have felt like a game of peek-a-boo! I walk along, lost in thoughts, when out of nowhere a head appears. 

This doe was skittish, but curious about me. She stood there while I took pictures and talked to her, but definitely was ready to take off at the first wrong move from me. 

There are always chipmunks scurrying through the dead leaves, but every now and then one will sit still long enough for me to snap a picture. 

Tiny buds are poking their heads out as well.

The birds are out and singing loudly. They seem to be happy spring is on the way as well!

This little guy even seems so happy to see spring arrive that it decided to climb a tree which I had no idea they could do!

We are supposed to get snow this weekend, but that won't dampen my spirits. Spring has sprung!



  1. I wouldn't mind seeing any one of those in our woods! Highly unlikely though.

    1. I always think I would love to spot a bear (which are around here), but if I did I'm pretty sure I would be afraid! lol


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