When You Need to Disconnect in Order to Connect

One of my favorite places to walk is our local Audubon center. I like it because it's only about 12 minutes from my house, it affords me the opportunity to get out in nature by myself while exercising, and it's safe place to walk. The way I connect and hear from the Lord best is as I'm out in His creation so I try to do that as much as possible.

I've also been trying to disconnect from the "noise" of social media. I stayed off of it for much of the time this weekend. When I do that I find I feel much more peaceful and I'm able to focus and hear from the Lord.

I notice when I'm tethered to social media that I have such a difficult time focusing on anything. While it can be a tool to connect to others, it also can make it difficult to stay in the moment of what's going on right in front of me. 

The other problem with social media is the feeling of discontent it can create. I start to compare my life to others and when I do that I always come up lacking in some way which leads to grumbling. 

I want to be grateful for the life I have and that won't happen if I'm comparing myself to another. In the coming week I want to use social media as a tool when necessary, but stay off it the rest of the time. 

My goal this week is to disconnect in order to connect to the Lord. I believe if I can do that I will have a week full of peace, joy and gratitude. 


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