A Multitude of Blessings on a Mundane Monday


Mondays can often feel a bit mundane as some start back to work after the weekend. I've always loved Mondays which is probably weird. It feels like a great opportunity to reset and start fresh. I love starting the week with a blank state and the possibilities are endless and I never know what adventures are awaiting me around the next corner! 

I'm thankful for many things in my life this past week and want to take a few moments to list them here. I never want to forget how many ways I'm blessed instead of always looking at what is going wrong. And even in the hard and those helpless times when I have no control over what's happening, I want to remain thankful. This weekly exercise helps and I hope it encourages you to also look around and see the good in your own life.

This week I'm thankful for the following:

💓 A husband who will get out and hike with me. 

💓 Peace that comes through prayer and trusting that the Lord is bigger than any problem I face.

💓 An enjoyable time in the kitchen, recipe testing. 

💓 Fresh herbs from my herb garden. Herbs can be pricey and go bad quickly so it's wonderful to walk out the door and pick what I need.

💓 I haven't made soap in so long and forgot how much I enjoy it. I'm thankful that the Lord has given me the creativity to try new things. This batch is sage-lavender goat's milk soap.

💓 Upcoming opportunities to speak. As I dig into God's word for these engagements, I learn new insights.

💓 A wonderful worship service yesterday.

💓 Encouragement as I see different people post pictures of recipes they have made from my new book, Simple & Nutritious. This has been the most fun thing I've ever done and I'm loving the fact that others are enjoying the recipes.

💓 Wedding preparations are bringing me much joy! It's a bit nerve-wracking and the financial end of things is extremely stressful, but I truly am enjoying helping my daughter with as many of the details that I can. 

It's hard to believe that she is getting married in three months! Her maid-of-honor and I are hosting the bridal shower and that's been fun thinking of creative ways to bless her and Ryan.

and finally...

💓 Daily reminders from the Lord that He loves me more than I can ever imagine. For that I am extremely grateful.


  1. I am finding your recipe book so useful, and so easy to read.


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