Disconnect for a Moment


I find that taking some time to disconnect from my busy life and connecting to God is a must for me. I primarily do that by getting out in nature and walking. For you, it may be through different modes.

I have a beautiful place nearby where I can go. However, for years we lived in an area where I couldn't go walking. When the kids were little we lived in an inner city, surrounded by houses. But I found ways to carve out bits of peace. In both of those places, I only had my backyard or my porch.

Try finding an alone spot, close your eyes and just listen. It may take some time to focus, but give it the time needed. You may start to notice little sounds and scents that you never noticed before.

Yesterday, I could hear different types of birds. I could smell the blossoms and the scent of wild thyme. I felt the cool breeze on my face. As I slowed down my racing thoughts I began to also hear from the Lord. Tuning out the busyness allowed Him to speak.

I think we all need to find that way to slow down and take some time alone with the Lord. I always find that when I do that I still have time for my to-do list, but I'm happier, more at peace and my spirits have lifted. I think you'll find the same is true for you too.


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