Happy Tears

As I looked in the store's dressing room mirror the other day, tears sprang up. I was there because the weather has turned very warm and nothing I own fits me anymore. Every single piece of summer clothing I own is too big and hanging off of me.

Tears sprang up because I fit into a size that I haven't worn since I was a college student. And I didn't just squeeze into the size, it fit perfectly. My tears were happy ones.

I know it may be silly to some, but I have been so unhealthy for so long that it just seemed that was the way I was going to be forever. The funny thing was that I didn't think I looked as heavy as I was, but when I see pictures of myself now from a few years ago I cannot believe how swollen my face looks.

I really used to hate dressing room mirrors and would often leave the store feeling depressed because much of what I liked wouldn't fit and my clothing sizes kept climbing. When depressed, I would immediately begin to eat all the things that kept me overweight and unhappy.

I had my annual physical and bloodwork done the other day. My doctor was thrilled with my weight loss. My blood pressure was in such a great range (used to be high every visit) and I was on medicine for it.

My bloodwork came back and everything was in the normal range, even those issues I had dealt with for years. Fatty liver disease is reversed. Heart issues have reversed. I'm off the blood pressure medicine. My pre-diabetic glucose numbers are back in the normal range. I'm not wheezing any more. I no longer snore which is something I've done ever since I can remember. Even my eczema that I've dealt with for years is gone. My BMI has gone from 36 to 23.5.

One of the misinformation comments I get from people is that you won't get enough protein or calcium if you are not eating animal products. Those numbers were dead center in the normal range. I also had him check my B12 and vitamin D (I do take a supplement for both of those) and those numbers were normal as well.

I am so thankful that I started my health journey last July. I have lost 70 lbs. I've gone from a size 18 and sometimes 1X down to a size 10-12.

But besides the weight loss, I'm really thankful for the fact that I'm the healthiest I've ever been. I have one very short life on this earth and I want to use each of the years I have left to do all the Lord has for me. That means being my healthiest.

I am truly thankful.


  1. Congratulations! So happy for your weight loss and health improvements!

    Your news is much-needed inspiration for me. I am halfway through my own weight loss journey. I have been taking a break--and am fine with that--but I was feeling I should continue on my path. I also want to get off my BP med, and I know it will take more weightloss to get there.

    Again, many hurrahs for your success! You have every right to be proud!

  2. Brilliant, Terri. You have worked so harde at this.

  3. So glad you lost all that weight and are healthy again!! You are such a sweet and nice person and you do so much for God. I'm proud of you!
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  4. Praises to JESUS Terri‼️ What marvelous work HE has done in you🙏🏾‼️ I still want to hopefully meet/have you speak to our church ladies group…for some reason the pastors wife has not moved forward to check out your website….I have sensed a necessity for you to speak to our women’s group or church as a whole as we have quite a few with health issues that possibly could be reversed with a change in the food they’re eating. I am going to reintroduce this to her again but will probably have to wait for a response as she is doing a mission trip next week for a week. I will pray about this for sure! GOD continue to bless your life and I’m going to trust that you will get to bless our congregation with your testimony and spiritual/dietary wisdom!
    Sandy…. You can also respond to me by email…Thank you for your obedience!🙏🏾

    1. Hi Sandy, thank you for your kind words! It's all in God's timing and to be honest, my focus in speaking generally doesn't have anything to do with weight loss, but spiritual things. So it may just not be the timing for this. I appreciate the prayers!

    2. Hi Terri I’m confused about your not being able to speak about eating healthy,etc. as that’s what you just did in this post and others I’ve been reading of yours and also your cookbook you just wrote about healthy eating…Could you please give me more understanding as I have been confused about your response to me with all of the healthy posts and as I’ve mentioned your new cookbook….I would appreciate any clarity you can give to this for me?? Sandy

    3. Sandy, I apologize for the confusion. What l I meant was the weight loss/diet has not really my primary focus when I have speaking engagements until recently. Usually, I'm either preaching at a church on a Sunday morning or doing some sort of inspirational talk.

      I certainly do write and share here about it from time to time, but actually do a lot more of that on my YouTube channel and other website (thefrugalconnection.com). The link is up above right below the header photo. This morning I was invited to speak at a local weight loss group. So while it's not what I do on a regular basis, I'm always open to whatever doors the Lord opens!

      What I meant was if a particular group or church isn't inviting me then it's probably not the right timing for them. And that's okay! Hope that clears it up a bit.

  5. My Dr eats vegan___says you get protein from lots of different foods. Tell people your Dr says you are fine.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm not sure many realize that there is protein in all kinds of things.


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