Sitting Still

My husband was away at a conference the past three days and it's nice to have him back home. I decided that since I was stuck at home most of those days without a car that I was going to take a little mini-sabbatical. 

I did use my son's car in the mornings before he left for work to go for a walk at our local Audubon Center. The weather has been beautiful this week so that has been nice. I've gone in the early morning when it's been empty and quiet and that is the best time to see many of the birds and wildlife. 

This doe was totally unafraid of me. I got right a few yards away and she didn't budge other than keeping an eye on me.

The same was true of this little bluebird. He was standing guard near the nest and I was able to get quite close.

I experimented with some new recipes, including these quinoa, chickpea wraps.

I made some goat's milk soap. It's been almost two years since I've made soap. 

I filmed a video for my website, The Frugal Connection (link in the menu above) and for my new YouTube Channel, making plant-based, sweet potato brownies. 

But more importantly, I slowed down and spent much time in prayer, contemplation, and reading. 

A couple of quotes I came across which struck a chord with me and caused me to pause and reflect were the following.

Vincent DePaul ~ "He who hurries delays the things of God."

Hilary of Tours ~ "Busyness is a blasphemous anxiety to do God's work for Him."

Ouch to both of those! I really do sense that God is working in my life and has brought me into a season of quiet and to be honest, loneliness, so I can truly sit and learn from Him. It's a struggle for me and yet, I know it's necessary if I want to continue to grow and be the woman He has called me to be.

Sitting still in the presence of the Lord is the only place where I will be able to hear from Him. I am realizing how difficult quiet is for me and yet that is what my heart is yearning to do. As the Psalm say, "Be still and know I am God."

It's been a good week so far. 


  1. Terri, dont we need those times of quiet and aloneness, when we can give time to listen.


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