Monday Blessings

I overslept this morning and am moving slowly, but am allowing myself the space to do that. It was such a busy weekend and I kind of feel like I was run over by a truck.

I hosted Emily's bridal shower and it turned out lovely. I certainly underestimated how much work goes into planning and implementing it and in just six short weeks we will be doing the same level of activity for her wedding.

Here are just a few pictures of the day. The only negative was the lighting in the room was terrible so they all came out on the darker side.

We had a fun activity where everyone had to paint a picture of Ryan from memory. It produced some hilarious results.

On Mondays I generally look back over the previous week and reflect on the many blessings.

💓I'm thankful we got to shower Emily with love this weekend. 

💓 I'm thankful for the beautiful weather we had this weekend.

💓 Nathan and Dan helped tremendously by lugging things back and forth from the house to the church. I am thankful for them.

💓 I am so thankful for people in our church who pray.

💓 We were blessed with the use of the church space for the shower.

💓I was in the church nursery yesterday morning and was thankful for a quiet morning in there where I got to sit and rock littles. Usually it's a bit chaotic in there so I was really happy for some calm and quiet.

and finally...

💓I'm thankful for a slow start this week.


  1. What a lovely occasion, and dont you and Emily look so elegant. It seems no time since photos of Emily were of a little girl!

    1. Thank you, Barbara! It's hard to believe she is all grown up!

  2. Looks like a fun time for you all.


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