Multitude Monday

It's been a weird sort of summer and hard to believe that we will be starting August this week. I think some of the reason for the weirdness is just the focus I've had on the bridal shower and now the wedding preps will be starting up soon.

However, this week we are on vacation and I'm determined just to make it a fun activity-filled kind of week. It's a staycation, but we live in such a beautiful area filled with hiking trails, museums and attractions all within an hour of us so that is the plan.

Today we are off on a hike and I'm looking forward to that. It's a great combination of free fun, exercise and beauty, as well as time away with my husband. 

As I look back over the past week I am thankful for many things.

💓 Time with friends who are missionaries in the Dominican Republic.

💓 Testing out a new recipe at a church event. These are cream cheese swirled brownies and no, not on my eating plan! However, everyone seemed to like them.

💓 Signs of late summer.

💓 Cuteness overload.

💓 Conversations with my adult children.

💓 A full, busy and enjoyable life.

💓 Teaching little ones on Sunday morning.

💓 Holding babies.

💓 Getting into my sewing room to create this week. 

💓 Friends who laugh together, cry together and pray together.

💓 An impromptu potluck that ended up with a bounty of food. I threw this together at the last minute at the church and was thankful that we ended up with more than enough.

💓 A Sunday afternoon nap.

💓 A growing YouTube channel. It's been weird for me to start a YouTube channel for my other website - My Channel. I started it as a way to teach how to cook some plant-based, whole food recipes and also make a little bit of income. It's been amazing to me to see the interest there is out there for this way of eating and cooking. I am thankful. The channel isn't monetized yet because you need 1,000 subscribers (which I just got) and 4,000 watch hours (I'm only 1/3 of the way there). However, I'm thankful for another way I can encourage others.

and finally... 

💓 A quiet Monday morning to pray, reflect and count my multitude of blessings. 


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