
It's been a busy couple of months and I'm trying to make sure I stay present so I can enjoy each moment. It's easy to race through my days with the sole goal of checking things off my to-do list, but I want to actually enjoy the process as well.

My daughter's bridal shower is next Saturday and there has been lots to do to get ready for that. I'm getting very excited! I've also been practicing my cupcake decorating so friends and family have been my taste testers since I don't want to eat sweets.

I've been busy crafting.

Then there has been the normal every day things happening.

Zoom meetings. Love these ladies from countries around the world as we serve the women in our denomination.

Working on speaking engagements, church ministry and district ministry.

Making meals.

Cleaning the house and prepping herbs from my garden.

Sitting through meetings with my son's care team that provide him with services that he needs.

Getting out to exercise and enjoy nature.

But most importantly, I'm taking time each day to stay still before the Lord so I can hear from Him, get my marching orders for the day and stay connected. And doing that is the very thing that keeps the rhythm of my days from becoming overwhelming.


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