A Bit of a Wedding Ramble


There are exactly 11 days left until my daughter's wedding and while my to-do list has dwindled, there are still plenty of items that I still need to accomplish. We are on vacation for the next two weeks and while we want to do some fun things, we also know that the main focus is wedding tasks.

I made over 600 cookies in the space of a week which includes lavender shortbreads (pictured above) and lemon tea tots. I truly could have made many more as I love to bake, but I made myself stop. Ryan's mom is making about 12 dozen as well so we will have plenty for the wedding. Neither the bride nor groom are a fan of cake so they opted for cookies.

I think that's the neat thing about weddings nowadays. The bride and groom can incorporate what they want and don't necessarily have to do something just because it's "traditional". The point of the wedding is to celebrate the love between two people and not what is and isn't being served!

I also put together 125 favors. I just set up a little station in our family room while watching one of my favorite shows so it was actually relaxing and enjoyable.

I purchased most of what I need for the appetizers and will start to assemble the components a day or two before we leave.  

Last night I started the tedious process of ironing napkins. I got about half of them done and will finish that up today. I wanted to get them ironed and neatly packed away so I don't have to do that when we get to the wedding venue which is about 5 hours from our home. 

I'm going to iron the tablecloths, but am bringing a steamer as well because I'm not sure how well the ironing will hold up once I re-fold them to pack. I just basically want to get the large wrinkles out.

My dress is hemmed and I just need to iron the guys' dress shirts. We are going to have to drive up to the store where we rented the guys' suits this week. 

Then we need to pick up some last minute items to bring with us and go through the checklist of items to pack. Emily and Ryan are coming here next Thursday so we can make sure we have everything, pack three cars and then all head out together.

Weddings are exciting, but certainly a ton of work!

It was a rainy day yesterday so we headed to a museum, got a walk in and brought lunch to my in-laws. I'm thankful we coerced our son, Nathan, into coming with us. He has been doing well and I'm thankful for the services we were able to set up for him. He has a great team of people working with him.

He has been out of work for the summer and struggling. However, he recently had a job interview with one of the agencies in town that works with people with disabilities. They were impressed with him, told him they would call him at the end of the week with their decision and actually called him an hour later and offered him the job! He is just awaiting all the standard background checks and starts after Labor Day. The sweet thing was he got a card in the mail from one of his team members, telling him how proud she was of him and praising all of his good qualities. 💓

I laughed when I looked at the picture of myself because my gray is coming through in a big way! My hairdresser has been gone all summer and I have an appointment with her on Wednesday. I know the time is coming when I'll let it all go gray, but I'm not mentally there yet. 😆

The plan today is to get out and hike in the national forest that is near us. I am thinking I may need to head to the doctor's office this week because I'm dealing with tmj in my jaw and it's starting to get worse. Sigh. Not sure why these things always happen at the most inopportune times!

I have our annual women's retreat for our district coming up at the end of September, as well as my district team's leadership retreat. Then I'm the weekend speaker at a retreat center the first weekend in October. So those are weighing on me, but I honestly can only focus on the wedding at the moment so I'm just trying my best to mentally let the other two go until after September 1st. Hmmmm.....perhaps that is where the tmj is coming from since teeth grinding and stress can cause it! 😀

Anyway, I need to get moving so we can go hiking which for me, is a big stress reliever. I hope you didn't mind my wedding ramble today.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Oh Teri you have worked SO hard for this special day. As E says, take time out, so you are not too tired to enjoy it.

    1. I've been praying that I can just enjoy the moment!

  2. They chose a wedding venue place so it's an old stone barn that is set up for weddings and receptions. It's about halfway between us and his parents. She doesn't have any ties to our current house or church since we moved here after she was off at college and then into her own apartment.

    1. Hmmmm....not sure what happened to my response. She chose a wedding venue that is halfway between us and her future inlaws.


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