
Dan and I have lived a faith-based model of ministry for most of our married life. What I mean by that is we have trusted God to provide what we need so that we can do the ministry He has given to us. For much of our lives that model has also meant that we live a fairly simple life. No fancy vacations, no newest gadget, no extravagant expenditures. 

It has worked for us. We tithe, we pay our bills, we have food to eat, and we are able to bless others from time to time. Then the wedding came along, and all the expenses that come with that. We were in a grocery store yesterday so I could price things out in order to make the appetizers and I felt that little knot start in the middle of my stomach again. As we were driving home I said to Dan that our expenses feel so out of control at the moment. 

When I feel that panicky out-of-control feeling, I often start looking for ways to solve it in my own strength. I start thinking I need to fix this and begin to hastily think, "Should I re-open my Etsy shop? Should I try and get more speaking engagements? Should I go get a full-time job and drop all my district and church ministry?" 

And yet, I know without a doubt that the Lord called me and I know He has always provided and will continue to do so. And any of those solutions I mentioned above may be what He wants me to do, but I've made myself slow down and wait on Him for the answer.

And guess what? He provided in a very unexpected way last night with an abundance that can only come from Him. We received an unexpected gift that reminded me once again that God is in control of my life and that I need to keep walking in the path He has for me and He will take care of the rest. 

I'm thankful for His provision of our every need.


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