A Mountain of Blessing

I went into the weekend feeling very weary and left with a full heart. As I headed to the mountains early Friday morning I was really not sure how I was going to manage speaking four times and leading a retreat, but God was faithful and it was a great weekend. 

On Mondays, I try and look back and see where I saw God at work in my life and to give Him thanks for that.

💓I'm thankful for safety while I drove the 12 hour round trip alone. I don't mind driving and generally, I listen to music, podcasts, pray or just think in the silence while I drive.

💓 I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with my sister.

💓 God used the messages in a wonderful way to minister to the women there. He also used the worship time, the breakout sessions and the discussion time to bring encouragement and healing to some.

💓 I'm thankful that I was able to get out and hike for a little bit on both Friday after I arrived and Saturday afternoon.

💓 I was very thankful for good sleep both nights I was there (that doesn't always happen).

💓 There were great conversations around the tables during meals.

💓 I got to see my niece (an unexpected surprise), and my other niece's family while I was there.

💓 Beautiful weather the entire weekend. The leaves were at their peak and just stunning.

💓 God continues to confirm His purpose in my life as I stay connected to Him.

💓 The overwhelmed feeling I had before the weekend is gone and that probably has more to do with the fact that the weekend is over! 😅

and finally...

💓 Being able to use the gifts that the Lord has given me to encourage others as He opens ups doors for me.

I have a busy day today as I'm spending it with my mother-in-law and father-in-law, helping them with various things. However, I wanted to start my Monday by remembering the many ways I saw God at work this past weekend. He always shows up in a multitude of ways and when I take the time to remember and give thanks it opens my eyes to continue to look for the blessings moving forward into the new week. 


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