
I haven't had much to write lately. That is mostly because the past two weeks have felt as though I have been through a multitude of Herculean tasks. As I look back I can't believe at how much I was able to get done. But then again, I did a lot of praying and asking the Lord to give me the strength to do it. So I really shouldn't be surprised.

I prepared and led two retreats this past weekend - one for women in our district and one for my district leadership team. They both went so well.

I got home Sunday night and then hit the ground running on Monday. I went to a doctor's appointment with Nathan, made dinner for my in-laws, returned the rental car and spent the afternoon with my mother-in-law and father-in-law.

What was gnawing at me was the fact that I'm speaking at an event this weekend and speaking four times. However, life kept getting in the way. I cannot believe I did it, but I managed to get all four completed and even found time at my retreats last weekend to work on notes for the messages. I just need to put together some breakout session questions and put together some PowerPoint slides today. 

Last week I processed a half of a bushel of apples. This week, I managed to tackle the bushel of tomatoes that had been sitting in my kitchen. Even though I really didn't have the time to do this, I didn't want them to go bad so made it a priority.

I had Zoom meetings on top of other work that needed to happen this week. I seem to have an annoyed look on my face, but really wasn't feeling that way, except maybe thinking that this meeting needs to hurry up so I can get moving on those messages! 😄

It literally feels like time has stood still which is a blessing. I don't want to do it, but need to go grocery shopping this morning as we are out of everything. But then I'm hunkering down and getting the last of the retreat items done since I'm headed out first thing tomorrow morning.

Maybe things will get back to normal and I can rest next week! I wonder if Hercules felt this way? 😅


  1. Life gets like that sometimes doesn't it. I realise at the weekend that over the space of the next fortnight I will be teaching some very different crafts to 5 complete diverse groups - Under 5's , under 8's, under 11's, bedbound hospital patients - and a group of clergy wives. I have spent my evenings cutting out scarecrows, stuffing sachets with lavender, and cutting up old books to make 600 9cm squares. And practising the poem I was reciting at the harvest lunch, and lots more besides. I am glad your retreats are going well. Book a rest time into your calendar - and try to make a date with your husband, so you can relax together. Scripture says "Come apart, and rest awhile". If you do not take time to rest, your life will definitely come apart!!!

    1. I agree! I also told my husband to remind me next time I'm scheduling retreats not to schedule two weekends right in a row. I know my limitations and have exceeded mine this time around! lol I hope your craft times go well, Angela!

    2. You are a Wonder, Terri!! How you do so many things is beyond me!!
      God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. Terri, I dont know how you do it all. But as Ang says, take some time for yourselves too.


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