
I've been in a battle the past few days as I've wrestled with my thoughts about a business opportunity that was dropped in my lap. I received a random email from a local shop, asking if I would like to put my sewing items in their store. Of course, as I so often do, I got all excited and started to plunge into the water. 

But as I tossed and turned last night with restless thoughts, I realized that I was being distracted once again. I get annoyed with how easily I get pulled off course. As I was reading this morning, the above passage of scripture jumped off the page.

This year I felt led to focus on staying connected - to the Lord, to others and to the purpose God has for me. And as I've done that different doors have opened - doors in speaking and writing, doors in mentoring other women, doors in leadership. And yet, I get frustrated at how easily I am tempted to go back to the comfortable and familiar. 

This Psalm is a rich one and a few verses later it says, "But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and His goodness". God sends me reminders of His goodness and of how much He does love me, and how He is leading. I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day, when she ended the conversation with a word of encouragement to me. God used her words at that moment to remind me of how He is leading. 

I realized that I need to stay single-focused. So I emailed the shop owner this morning to tell her that I was not going to pursue her offer. I am continuing to keep leaning in and listening to the Lord so I can tune out the distractions. I want to focus only on the path He has for me.

I am continuing to create spaciousness in my life so God can speak. I am working on stopping my tendency to stuff every single moment with busyness. I have a high capacity to juggle many things, but I am being selective in what activities I am doing.

I want to encourage you to do the same. Do you continually fill the empty space with activity? Are you pulled in a hundred different directions? Do you find that your time with the Lord is the thing that gets neglected?

Slow down, make space, lean in and listen so that God can speak to you. He speaks in the spaciousness and in the silence.


  1. On Sunday@church we sang that old hymn "o Jesus I have promised" and I was really challenged by the verse which begins "o let me hear Thee speaking .." Your post has really resonated, and reinforced that challenge. Bless you Terri, thank you. ❤️🙏😊

    1. I don't know that I've heard that hymn, Angela. Glad it resonated with you.


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