What Gift Can I Bring?


I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately on how often the Lord shows up in my life and gives me good gifts. And yet, so often I keep focusing on what I think is not going well or where things are lacking. 

When my focus shifts to scarcity rather than abundance, I tend to tightly cling to the gifts the Lord has blessed me with each day. However, when I approach my life from a place of abundance and I'm focusing on how much I've been given, it causes me to live my life in a way that brings Him honor and glory. 

The gift I can give back to the Lord is to wake up each day and see how I can serve Him. Some of that service comes by being the person He has created me to be and using the gifts that He has given me.

Some of those God-given gifts are the gift of creativity. I love to express myself through a variety of creative pursuits. He has given me an abundance of energy. I have the capacity to do many things and do them well. God has gifted me with the gift of hospitality and a love for people. And He has gifted me with the ability to teach His word through writing and speaking. 

When I try to stifle any of those gifts I feel empty inside. When I attempt to live up to the expectations of others, rather than  to do what God is asking me to do, I feel out of sorts. I know what I can bring the Lord is to use what He has given me, to use those gifts to the best of my ability, and do it in a way that points people to Him.

Your gifts will be look different than mine, but your life is a gift  that has been given to you. Use what you have been given and give those gifts back to the Lord by using them for His glory. You've been given the gift of a life that can be used for the honor and praise of our Heavenly Father. Use it well!


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