A Monday Full of Blessing

We seem to have turned a corner as the past couple of days have seen the sun peeking out. After about two months of cloudy skies, I was so thrilled to see this sight outside my kitchen window. It's also staying lighter out a bit longer each day. We have a lot of winter left, but it feels like we've turned a corner.

Monday is my day to reflect and given thanks for all the ways I saw God at work the previous week. Some weeks the list is longer than others, short or long, I'm glad I go through this exercise. Since I missed a week, my list is longer. 

💓 I'm thankful for a very productive week. One of the things that I was able to get done was putting together all the registration materials for our district's spring conference. That's always a huge job so I'm thankful it's done.

💓 I've enjoyed continuing to come up with some new plant-based recipes. These are chocolate chia energy bites and chocolate pudding made with avocado and banana. 

💓 We were able to gather as a family and celebrate my father-in-law's 90th birthday last Sunday.

💓 My indoor plants are thriving and bringing a bit of greenery into the house.

💓 I'm thankful for our church board and that we are all on the same page. I know that doesn't always happen in churches.

💓 God giving me some clarity in a decision I needed to make.

💓 My family took me out to eat for my birthday.

💓  Beautiful flowers from my daughter and son-in-law. 

💓 There was a beautiful sunset on the way home.

💓 One of the elders in our church is going through cancer and getting ready to begin a new treatment. We had a time of prayer for him at the beginning of the service. It was beautiful to gather around him and pray as a church. 

💓 I loved teaching and hanging with the little ones during children's church yesterday. They keep me young.

💓 I got the first dose of the shingles vaccine yesterday and I'm thankful that other than a sore arm and feeling a bit achy that I didn't have any other side effects.

💓 A relaxing afternoon. While the guys watched football, I dosed! 😁 

I am thankful for the ways I can see God's hand at work, even in the hard things. I'm continuing to trust Him as I move forward into the plans He has for my life.


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