I'll never forget the day.....

We've been working on narrative writing. I gave the children a topic sentence and an ending sentence of a paragraph. They had to finish the paragraph. It was actually fun to see what they came up with and it allowed them to show their creativity.

Here was the topic sentence:

I'll never forget the day I met Tucker C. Throckmorton.

The ending sentence was: Every time I see a chicken now, I think of Tuck.

The kids all agreed that Stephen's was blog-worthy.

Stephen's paragraph:

I'll never forget the day I met Tucker C Throckmorton. He was the best male I ever met. Now he is dead and his leg is on my plate. He was a good boy. Now he is deep-fried and smothered in breadcrumbs. Poor Tuck. Every time I see a chicken now, I think of good old Tuck.


  1. Way to go, Stephen! Now, that is using your imagination. Good job!


  2. I just noticed the special needs section on your blog archive! I'm a special needs teacher, so of course am very interested in anything to do with special needs. I teach at a school for students with intellectual and multiple disabilities. I've got seven wonderful teenagers with severe intellectual disabilities, and I love them all to bits. I was also surprised to discover Stephen has a generalized anxiety disorder. So do I! I've also been diagnosed with social phobia - but I have mostly conquered that. I also have a mood disorder, which is a constant little battle to keep under control. I thought you might be interested to know. I've mentioned some of my challenges on my blog from time to time, but I'm sure my blog helps me connect with the bright and beautiful part of life! XXX
    By the way, Blogger has changed the word verification lettering and I find it sooooo hard to work out now! Plus I have a post graduate degree but have trouble remembering any phone numbers beyond my own (and I forget my own when I get stressed) :)

  3. LOL. That was great, Terri. Tell Stephen he's very creative. :-)


  4. I love your mind, Stephen. You crack me up totally. Keep on writing...you've got a comic career ahead of you!
    We used to do a fun thing in school with writing. There would be an opening sentence, then the next person would write the next sentence. But you folded the paper in a way that each subsequent person could only see the one previous sentence. Then you opened up the whole thing and read it all together. You got some pretty funny stuff that way!

  5. That is very creative! I will probably be thinking of Tuck myself now when I have chicken for dinner! You should keep a copy of it ~ I have a couple things that I kept from my older kids creative writing assignments. They are fun to look back on!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,


  6. LOL! That was very creative of Stephen, it was a challenging start and finish sentence! Next time I 'tuck' into some chicken, I'll think of Stephen!!

    Love, Tina :)

  7. Thank you ladies for your kind comments. Stephen is pretty creative and he has a wonderful sense of humor. :-)



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