Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Nathan had to work yesterday and when I dropped him off, Lisa (the caretaker's wife) invited us to come for dinner.

Emily was in heaven because her only goal in life at this point is to live on a farm. Of course, I remind her that she is allergic to every last animal on a farm but that doesn't deter her! She is one determined child :-).

First of all, look at this view.

The farm is owned by a wealthy gentleman from Norway who works in New York City and comes up on the weekend. Brian and Lisa go to our church and are the caretakers.

Lisa drove Emily & I around on the gator to see the property. By the way, that's not Lisa in the background. That's Brian. Just in case you were wondering - LOL!

First, we stopped to look at the horses.



Then we drove down into the woods about a mile to a huge, man-made pond. What a peaceful place!

Isn't this the cutest little house? It was shipped, piece by piece from Norway and reassembled here by the pond.

Then we went to look at the little pigs.

Cows. Love that dirt-stained tushie! She isn't even afraid of cows.

Petting the bunnies.

Of course, I realize that I only have one picture of Nathan & Stephen. That's because they jumped on the gator and went off into the woods.

It was a wonderful evening. Nathan is so blessed to work here and is really enjoying himself.


  1. What a beautiful farm, you guys had a great day! Nice place for your son to work too!

    (love your new banner pic!)

    Love, Tina :)

  2. Emily is a girl after my own heart. I have allergies, too, and I still love to be around animals.
    In fact, I have to interrupt my comment to stop and pet one of my furbabies, my ferret Rocky. He just climbed from my sewing supplies shelf to my desk...

    I'm back. I'm such a dope. I didn't realize you were a New Yorker, too! Upstate New York is so beautiful. Long Island is really pretty right now, too, with all the trees in bloom!

  3. Clare, are you originally from NY? YOu live in PA now, right or am I thinking of someone else? I love NY. It's such a beautiful state to live in. I grew up in the Catskill Mountains.

  4. It looks like Emily and a ball as did Nathan and Stephen. You didn't mention what you had for dinner but I am sure it was delicious. I'm glad you all had a great time. The farm is simply beautiful.


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