Gardening Plans

We've been in this house for a month now and I've had time to think about what I would like to do with my yard next year. Of course, it could change but here is my tentative plan.

I dug out all the weeds around the little patio in the back yard and defined the edge of the flower bed with bricks. There are some bulbs planted in there but they are clumped up in about 3 spots with no rhyme or reason. I'm not even sure what they are. They are big, thick green leaves. I am planning on digging up the bulbs that are there and replanting tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.

There is a large bed along the fence that the boys weeded for me when we first moved in. Of course, the weeds are back. I want to plant a sunflower garden there. Emily loves sunflowers and I've never lived in a place that I could plant them.

See this huge, sunny front lawn. The sun beats down on it all day long and it is huge. I want to plant a large vegetable garden over by the fence in the left hand corner of the yard. The fence will hide it from the street and there will still be tons of room for the kids to play.

Remember how overgrown this flower garden was when we first moved in. I've been hacking away at it and pulling out weeds and wildflowers. As I went I started seeing a rock path through the middle of it and you could begin to see what it originally looked like.

I've since planted mums in the front and I'm hoping that there will be things blooming all spring, summer and fall. Of course, I don't know the first thing about perennials so this is a learning experience for me. I obviously need to do more work on it and will do so as I have time.

To the left of our side door was a flower bed that had nothing but weeds in it. Emily weeded it for me and next year I want to have an herb garden there. I'm planning on planting basil, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, dill, cilantro, and mint. All I will have to do is walk out the door and snip what I want.

So there you have it. My future gardening plans. Now all I need is money to do it all!


  1. Your plans sound great! Sunflowers are EASY! I 'd like to have an herb garden, too. I'm just not quite sure where to place it yet.

  2. What wonderful plans you have! I always seem to have more plans than money but it is fun to dream and work at things bit by bit. You have such a wonderful yard to work with!

    Have a great day!


  3. Sounds like a good plan, Terri. With Perenials, you can start with a few the first year and when they come up the second year, they start getting bigger and then you can dig up part of the plant and transplant it to have a bigger garden if you like.

    Another idea is to plant seeds in the early spring inside and transplant them outside when it becomes warm enough or start from seed outside the first year and build from that. That way it doesn't cost as much as buying the plants from a Nursery.

  4. Your property looks so pretty already! I know it will be gorgeous! :)

  5. Your plans sound wonderful and you have a nice big yard! My projects always get held up by the money thing too. LOL

  6. Terri, it sounds like a great plan!
    Miriam :)


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