Melt Down

Sometimes I have to remember that I do not have super-human strength. I need to realize that I can't do it all. I try to be that way but then something will cause me to snap and I realize that I actually do have a limit.

Thursday and Friday were days where I just couldn't keep it together. I kept having mini-meltdowns and losing it. I felt overwhelmed, depressed and discouraged by the smallest things. Small and not so small emotional explosions were happening all over the place.

I sat down to ponder why I was losing it. Then I realized that in the four weeks so many things have been happening. Since July 15th....

* I have cleaned an entire house from top to bottom.

* I painted a room.

* We moved an entire house.

* I cleaned the old house from top to bottom.

* We moved an entire church.

* I cleaned the old church building from top to bottom.

* I unpacked and put away not only my stuff but found space for some of the church things here as well.

* We had two church services in the new place which is a huge adjustment. It requires us to carry things to the building, set up and tear down each Sunday.

* I'm trying to plan three major events here in the next month and a half - a ladies luncheon, a church picnic and a Fall Festival for the town.

* I've had numerous people dropping by.

* I've gone to a graduation party.

* This past week I've babysat 2 little girls all day one day and 2 other girls for two hours the other day.

* Emily has had friends over at least twice a week since we've moved in.

* We've hosted our small group here.

* Went to a homeschool support meeting 45 minutes away.

* Went to someone's house for lunch.

* Tutored a child in math 4 times.

* Had a church board meeting here.

* We've gone to court with someone from church as a support.

* We've had company for dinner twice.

This has been on top of grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, weeding, setting up house, and church business. This week I attempted homeschooling on top of it all and I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back!

So I told Dan that other than the babysitting job I have on Tuesday, I'm doing nothing but homeschooling my children this work week. No visitors, no going anywhere, no nothing! I'm hosting a luncheon here on Saturday but that is a monthly event and I just have to provide the place and the drinks. Everyone else brings something.

It's time to regroup and refocus and rest in the Lord! No more meltdowns!


  1. Aah bless you Terri- you're right to sit back and have a re-think. You are amazing - I felt exhausted just reading your list. Some quiet time at home will refresh you but hold tight before you rush right on back into things. Another week would do no harm but much benefit.
    Ok lecture over - thank you for listening to your Auntie Lynn!!

  2. LOL! Thank you Lynn for that lecture. I think I need a good scolding every now and then!

  3. I've been there! Good for you for realizing that you need to step back!

  4. The melt downs are not pretty, Tracy so I definitely needed to step back for a bit!

  5. Hi Sweet Terri,
    I so understand. I had a melt down this week and no they aren't pretty. My family knows it is time to get me a break. I am regrouping here and have decided to let a few things go. Running is one thing that gets me. I too love to stay home. I heard a good one this week. If a womans place is in the home why am I always in the car? LOL It time to stop and est in the Lord. I will say prayers for you.

  6. (((HUGS))) Honey :)

    No wonder you're having meltdowns!! Priorities my dear ;) God, Dan, kids, home...then everything else. I can't tell you how often I have to remind myself of that very thing!! It's always 'good' stuff I want to's just usually not the best :? I'm so glad you were able to sit back and see what was going on so that you can reign it in some :)

    Praying for rest this week!
    Love You,
    Laura in VA

  7. I have been feeling exactly the same way Terri, as you can tell from my last couple of posts! You've had a lot on your plate. Be good to yourself and do like you said, only do the homeschooling this week.

    I'm doing my God first, Family second plan now. I feel better, but its still not easy. I first think, Does this serve God? Does this serve my family? If there's any time left I'll do the extras. Maybe its my age. Thank goodness I don't have any little kids to take care of... My youngest is 21 so I'm not doing boy scouts, dance class, piano lessons, cheerleading, t ball, etc. any more. So glad I don't have any in school too. But, God has a sense of humor. When we pass that stage, he ushers in the taking care of your parents stage. LOL.

    Be good to yourself this week. You have to take care of yourself, so you can take care of others.


  8. Terri, I just popped in to check on you---
    (((HUGS))) & prayers.
    Miriam :)

  9. Thank you again ladies for your kind thoughts. I do this to myself quite regularly. I know some of it is the life of a pastor's wife and some of it is my personality. However, I need to be reminded from time to time to SLOW DOWN!!!

    Thanks again for your thoughtfulness!


  10. Boy, you have been soooo busy! It's good that you have realised that it is time to take a rest though...we get so caught up with too much stuff so easily, don't we? Take care and be good to about a nice warm soak in the bath, with candles and soft music? Ah, bliss!

    love, Tina :)

  11. Terri your right I know many pastors wives and you all seem to have so much on your plates, I don't think people realize ALL that you wonderful ladies do. Please take it easy and rest!! God bless!~Wendy

  12. Whew Terri! Wait a sec - I have to catch my breath - you made me tired with all of that work!!! LOL! Wow, you got soooo much done, what an amazing accomplishment! You definitely DESERVE a week of rest with your family!

    ((Hugs))and love,
    April :0)

  13. Terri, I can surely relate! I (just like my dc) ,melt down when I am too tired and overwhelmed. Thankfully my husband is VERY good at identifying my stressors and slowing me down. :-)

    Please rest this week and focus on getting school going.



  14. Terri,

    You need to make some time for yourself or you will wear out!!! LOL!!! You've had some good advice from all these wonderful, caring ladies so I guess I don't need to say more.


    PS I guess I better not take any more have had a bad week while I've been gone! Ha! Ha!


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