Sew Crafty Friday


It's Sew Crafty Friday over at Shereen's blog, Waiting for Him. Take a minute and go check out the crafts over there.

Well, we since moving I haven't had a whole lot of time for crafting. This week I started stenciling Emily's room. I wanted to keep the theme of roses.

If you remember, I'm working on a quilt for her room. I'm going to make curtains as well.

Here is the quilt material.

I only got one corner of the room done so far.


My husband suggested I just do the corners of the room as opposed to the whole room. What do you think?

Hopefully next week I'll actually have some crafts to show you.


  1. Very pretty Terri! I think your hubby's suggestion is a good would look less busy than stencilling all the way round and it would stand out as a very pretty room feature.

    love, Tina :)

  2. Terri, I love the rose theme in both the stenciling and the quilt. You are very multi-talented!

  3. Thank you ladies! I love the roses. Emily informed me last night that there was too much pink in them. I told her at this point she would have to get over it! LOL!

  4. Oh they look great!!! I wish I could do something like that! I agree, I'd just do the corners...especially since Emily is getting pink overload ;) It's less work for you, and it looks to her as if you're really trying to give her just what she wants ;) A win win!

    I'm looking around...I guess I could do something like that in the livingroom here. Most of the walls are beadboard though, so it wouldn't look so nice. Hmmm, maybe something to think about now that I'm done painting in here ;)

    Laura in VA

  5. Terri ~

    I love it ~ it is so pretty!!

    I think your husband's idea sounds like a good one! I love it when my husband gives me decorating help ~ he can come up with things I wouldn't have thought of!

    Emily's room is going to be lovely!

    Have a great day,


  6. WOW beautiful walls!!!! What a great idea to match with the quilt!! Awesome job!!! ;-) Bridget

  7. That looks so good Terri!! I agree with hubby it would look great just the corners of the room!! And that quilt is gonna be gorgeous!! Have a great Friday!!~Wendy

  8. Terri, I love the roses! Wonderful!
    Miriam :)

  9. I seem to be joining the concensus of opinion here. I love the stenciling, and since I like things to be slightly out of the ordinary, I think that just doing the corners would be just the ticket.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! (yes just corners!!)

    It is gorgeous.

  11. Oh, I love it! And I agree, just the corners. It gives the room an elegant and feminine touch without being too old-fashioned. Your work is amazing--I love the way you graded the colors!
    I missed SCF today, alas. I can't find my camera!

  12. Terri, that is beautiful!!

  13. Terri, That is going to be beautiful! Would you like to come do Kathryne's room when you're done? :-)


  14. Ladies, thank you for your kind comments. I decided to go with the majority and just do the corners of the room. It's actually less work for me that way! ;-)


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