Sweet to Silly

This was Emily on Sunday morning.

Doesn't she look sweet? She hates wearing dresses but looks so beautiful when she does.

This was Emily & a friend on Sunday afternoon.

Silly, huh? This is her normal personality when she is around her friends! Of course, I love her this way.

Now, put 4 girls together and what do you have? A much louder house! They played board games, ate brownies, played hide and seek, and rode bikes and rollerbladed.

The boys stayed locked in their room (literally) all afternoon! LOL!


  1. Oh how fun!!

    And the picture with her in her dress is great...the symbol looks like a golden halo around her head! Now she can say she really IS an angel LOL

    Laura in VA

  2. She is beautiful in her dress!!:0) My daughter was the same way she hated wearing dresses!! I also remember those girl get togethers and I can see why the boys stayed locked in their room!LOL
    Have a great day!!~Wendy

  3. Terri, they look like they are having a wonderful time! What great fun!
    Miriam :)

  4. LOL! Those poor boys! What a fun girl party! Grace doesn't like dresses as much as she used to. :0(


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