Weekly Menu

Someone asked me what my menus look like on a shoe-string budget so I thought I'd share my menu for the week to give you an idea.

Breakfast - Cold cereal & juice
Lunch - Leftovers
Dinner - Fresh tomato & basil pasta sauce over linguini, homemade Italian bread, Tossed salad, blueberry pie

Breakfast - Blueberry pancakes & sausage, juice
Lunch - Hot Dogs & chips (yes, I know this is not healthy but it only happens once in a while)
Dinner - Sausage & peppers over brown rice, summer squash, marinated cucumbers & tomatoes, leftover pie or ice cream

Breakfast - zucchini bread with cream cheese, hard boiled eggs
Lunch - homemade pizza, garlic breadsticks
Dinner - Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed green beans, homemade biscuits, apple crisp

Breakfast - cold cereal
Lunch - Leftovers
Dinner - Chicken fajitas (using leftover chicken), homemade tortillas, spanish rice, tossed salad

Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon
Lunch - sandwiches, carrot & celery sticks, chips
Dinner - French dip, homemade french rolls, salad, ice cream

Breakfast - Blueberry muffins, cheese slices
Lunch - Ladies luncheon here and Dan will probably take the kids out to lunch
Dinner - Leftovers

Breakfast - cold cereal
Lunch - Hamburgers, french fries, corn on the cob
Dinner - Lentil soup, homemade whole wheat bread with soynut butter and jam

There you have it. It varies from week to week and I make everything from scratch (except cereal & chips) which saves a ton! The cereal & chips I buy at Aldi which is a huge savings compared to regular grocery stores.


  1. Sounds good, Terri. How about posting your lentil soup recipe. It is very delicious.



  2. And any other of your recipes! It all sounds good and I and probably some others would like more insight into your meals and recipes to see more of "how you do it"! Enjoy your blog! You and many others have inspired me to try my hand at it myself!


  3. Yummy can I come and stay the week?!! Thanks for sharing your menu as so many of us need to tighten our grocery belts and need good recipes and menus!! Have a great day!!~Wendy

  4. Your menus sound delicious! I have heard such good things about Aldi ~ I wish we had them in our part of the country! Thanks for sharing :)



  5. Thanks for sharing Terri! I need to get back on a menu and doing better on my shopping. I have been a little off lately. Hopefully I will get back on track!

  6. Thank you for sharing, Terri. I am learning more and more- especially from you ladies at CHF.

    I am amazed when I think how much I can do from scratch compared to a few years ago!

    Keep sharing things like this. I helps people like me learn. :-)


  7. I'm with your Mom - would you share the lentil soup recipe pleeease!!

    You have given me lots of ideas - thank you!

    I love your shared recipes Terri - and have cooked several with huge success

  8. Thank you ladies! Mom & Lynn, I'll post the recipe and some pictures when I make it.

  9. Thanks for sharing this Terri, this really looks doable. I think this would work for the most part at our house and with our budget - although without the blueberries. We don't have any of those!

    April :0)


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