Weight Watchers

Well, this was not a good week as dieting goes. I went over my extra points. Last night, I made a dinner for friends and it was extremely high in fat, carbs, and calories. After last night's meal I thought for sure that I either stayed the same or worse, gained. However, I stepped on the scale this morning and I have lost 3 lbs. for a total weight loss of...............

22 lbs.!

WHEW!!!! I am breathing a big sigh of relief and pushing hard at it this week. I'll check back in next Sunday.


  1. Yay Terri!! you are doing so well! I could never stick to a diet this long...you must be so pleased!

    love, Tina :)

  2. Good for you Honey!!!

    You're doing sooo well :)

    Laura in VA

  3. Good Job, Terri! You need to be congratulated. It is hard, I know, especially when you make all those good foods for your family and friends.

    I had a similar week which I posted this morning, you can check it out but my weight loss so far is another 2 pounds with a total loss of 18 pounds and a inch loss this week of 3" to total 11" lossed.

    Keep up the good work!


  4. That is awesome ~ you must be so encouraged!!

    Have a great day,


  5. Way to go, Terri!
    Miriam :)

  6. Thank you all for your encouragement. This has been the first time in a long, long time that I have been so successful in losing weight.

  7. AWESOME!!! Keep it up!

    April :0)

  8. Great Terri!!! You are doing so good!


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