Weight Watchers

This week was another difficult week for me and I didn't do great in the eating department. I got on the scale this morning and had lost 0 lbs. So I'm still holding at......

22 lbs. lost

At least I didn't gain! I'll check back in next week.


  1. Well Whoo hooo! Not gaining is great! You're doing soooo well!! I'm proud of you :)

    Love You,
    Laura in VA

  2. Good for you Terri. You are still doing an awesome job!

    April :0)

  3. You are doing so well - I am in awe of you! Nearly two stones - very very well done.

  4. I agree ~ not gaining is great! I think your weight loss is very encouraging!!



  5. Your doing great Terri!! At least you didn't gain anything!!! Stress can be a big hinderence when your trying to loose weight!Ugh! Keep it up your an inspiration to us all!!:0) Take care!~Wendy

  6. That's ok, Terri. At least you didn't gain anything and our bodies always hit a plateau when dieting so just keep having a positive attitude and keep on with the program, you'll start losing again. I am very proud of the work you have done. Good Job!!!



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