Weight Watchers

Good morning! This week was okay - not great but not terrible. It's hard to keep this up week after week yet I know that it's basically about portion control and I will need to eat this way the rest of my life.

Anyway, I got on the scale this morning and lost 1 lb. for a total of.................

23 lbs.

I guess slow and steady wins the race. I'll be on vacation next week so I'll check in again in 2 weeks.


  1. I do believe that slow and steady wins the race Terri! You are doing an amazing job!
    It is crazy how many people I know that are doing weight watchers right now. Our church has even started it! LOL
    Hope you have a great vacation, much needed I am sure!

  2. do you hear the song playing???

    And another one bites the dust...and another ones gone and another ones gone...

    LOL...Great Job Honey...everyone counts!!

    Laura in VA

  3. Woo Hoo!!!!!! You're doing so awesome!!!

    A- :0)

  4. Good Job, Terri! You are doing just what WW wants you to do...slow and steady and not too fast. Keep up the good work. Vacation time will be hard but I know you can do this.


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