Autumn Skies


I love the view in our backyard and we get to see some really awesome sunsets. I noticed lately that even the skies seem to reflect the changing colors of autumn. The sky last night was breath-taking and I thought I'd share a few pictures.







  1. What beautiful pictures! The Lord has richly blessed you in this new place!



  2. Beautiful pictures, Terri! It seems when I have seen some of the most beautiful sunsets, we are in the car coming or going from somewhere and I don't have my camera with me. I should learn to carry it all the time.

    Last Sunday Night, as we came down a side street heading out of town to come home from church just before we hit Rt. 64, the road declines and there was this beautiful sun all orange and full in the sky and looked so big. It was all that you could see. At that moment, I wished that I had my camera with me but I doubt that the camera would have done that view justice.

    That night I couldn't get to sleep and at some point I got up and the light shining in our windows was so bright that you would have thought we had a street light just outside our window but it was the full moon and it was so bright, it looked almost like daylight.

    I went out on our deck and tried to capture a picture of it but it doesn't look at all the same as I saw it.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Terri, what lovely pics! What a great and wonderful God we serve!

  4. How lovely. We are very Autumnal here too.

  5. Gorgeous Autumn sunset, Terri! I am really enjoying this cool weather.


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