Boy's Paradise

Ever since we moved to our new house, the boys have been in paradise. Why? Because directly across the street is a train station. It is a commuter train to New York City so the train goes comes every hour or so and stops directly across from our front yard. I was looking for pictures on the camera this morning and came across these that Nathan took.

Tracks going north.

Tracks going south through town.



They've gotten so they can tell what kind of train it is just by the sound. They spend much of their time running across the street to hang out by the train platform whenever they hear it coming. This has been a passion of theirs since they were very little.

Personally, I don't get the attraction but I'll just continue to hang out in my backyard. LOL!


  1. I guess you get used to the noise, and with that nice back garden you are sheltered.

  2. Elizabeth, it does take some getting used to. However, the house is about 50 feet back from the street and there is a fence all around the property. It doesn't really keep out any noise but it would be worse if we lived right on top of the street.

  3. Oh what fun for the boys :) Trains are such a fun thing to get into :) My cousin collected them for years and built whole displays with great detail...he's 29 now and still has them ;)

    We have train tracks near here's amazing how after awhile they don't even register anymore :)

    Have a great day :)
    Laura in VA

  4. That is boys' paradise! Reminds me of my son when he was younger. We are surrounded by fields and any time a tractor, combine, crop duster plane, or any type of machinery was in a field, he was outside in his tree house mesmerised!

  5. Oh my goodness!!! I am SO jealous!! I LOVE trains!!! :)

  6. I can remember when you use to come to visit when Nathan was little and we use to drive him around the corner and a few blocks away so he could watch the train when it came through near our house. He loved that train. It brings back fond memories.

    He also liked riding the lawn mower with Grandpa. Does he remember that?


  7. Dear Terri,

    I think this would be exciting too ~ how fun for them! You have the best of both worlds ~ train excitement in the front and a beautiful peaceful setting in the backyard! What a fun train trip it would be too ~ have you ever gone on it?

    Have a great weekend!



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