Hurting Family

"There's one sad truth in life I've found,
While journeying east and west
The only folks we really wound,
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow,
To those who love us best."
~ Ella Wilcox

I found this poem this morning and it struck me at how true it can be at times. Why is it that we put on our best faces and manners to those outside our immediate family? We are so patient, kind, loving, and self-controlled around others, yet we don't extend the same grace to our spouses and children.

My goal is to act the same inside my home as I do outside my home. Perhaps some of it comes from the realization that Christ is with us where ever we are. He is with us at the dinner table. He is with us as we teach our children and as we interact with our families.

Maybe the question to ask ourselves is would we say and do the things we do in our home if we could physically see Jesus?


  1. That gives one plenty to think about Terri.

  2. Dear Terri,

    I agree ~ much to think about! Thank you! :)



  3. Oh Terri, this is a very timely post for the thick of all the DIY chaos, I have fallen down so much in this area lately...thank you so much for this.

    love, Tina :)

  4. (((Hugs))), Tina! You are going through a lot right now and I think it would make the best of us stumble!

  5. I agree there is a lot to think about here Elizabeth & Sharon. I certainly fail miserably quite regularly!

  6. Its true that a kind answer when we are irritated, saying please and thank you and asking for help nicely goes a long way toward domestic tranquility! Also sets a good example for our children.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Terri,
    Thank you for that post! That is one I need to write down and keep.
    Miriam :)

  8. Hi Terri, I have enjoyed your blog. What a wonderful family God has given you!
    That ham and potato casserole looks so yummy!! I'll have to try that one.

  9. Lisa, welcome! I'm glad you are enjoying the blog and I hope you'll keep reading. :-)


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